Our dossier was sent to China a little over a week ago (DTC= Dossier to China) and according to Fed Ex it was delivered last Monday (June 29th). Now we wait! Next steps:
1. Receive LID (log-in-date), which is the date the that our paperwork is logged in in China, sort of like our place in line.
2. Receive RA (referral acceptance, aka, LOA, letter of acceptance). Current wait time from LID is about 2 months.
3. Receive our TA (travel acceptance). Current wait time from RA is about 2 months.
4. Travel! Usually 2-4 weeks after receiving your TA.
So...We're thinking it will be sometime in November when we travel. Trying not to focus too much on the time lines though and remembering that it doesn't really matter what the averages are because God is ultimately in control and we are on HIS timeline!
In the meantime, we prepare a few more pieces of paperwork to be submitted once we have our RA, complete a couple more hours of training, and continue to raise funds for the remainder of expenses. A blog post is coming soon on our upcoming Both Hands project...our final fundraising effort!! Please continue to pray for our family and for Zack as we get closer to bringing him home!